On this episode of Dana Says, Tana Says, the vibrant couple goes back and forth about how much a couple should get it in every week.
There’s always a grey area when discussing matters involving the battle of sexes. While normally usually feel entitled to sex more often than women usually demands, leading to what Dana describes as the “cake illusion”—when a woman thinks she gives enough to her man.
“If I can get it two times a day for three days, so one day that’s a half a day,” Dana says defending his assertion that three and a half days should be the standard amount of sex each week. “You always got time. Don’t you wake up and go to bed together? So when you wake up you get some, when you go to bed you get some. It’s a done deal.”
Tara thinks otherwise, as she notes that the female’s state of mind plays a role in whether or not your partner will be smashing later on in the evening.
“We have to be mentally in that space,” she says. “So if we have a thousand things on our mind, which women we do because we’re wearing multiple hats throughout the day, it’s hard for us to just switch it and say, ‘Okay, I’m ready.’ It has to be like the stars have to be aligned because ours is more mental.”
Watch more of what Dana Says, Tana Says below.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbvQBakIzPY]