Dana Dane & Tana Tane Continue Argument Of Who Pays For Dates

Continuing their discussion from an earlier episode of Dana Says/Tana Says, Dana Dane and Tana Tane argue over who should pay for dates, the man or the woman?

From the first episode, a majority of people chiming in on the conversation said men should pay.

Dana Dane agrees as he banters once again with his wife.

“Men should pay for the first date, maybe even second date,” he says.

“Nah, I think it needs to be more than that,” Tana responds.

The conversation then moves to how long a couple should be dating before the woman feels she should contribute financially to the relationship.

“Until you know that you’re in a real relationship where it’s to me, where I know that it’s just you and me we riding, we doing this, then I’m not going in my pocket,” she says.

Dana questions her assertion as he reminds Tana that she paid very early on in their relationship. She remembers that, but also goes onto other details of their early dates before asking if the woman has to pay if she asks the guy out.

“If the lady asks me out on a date, she better come with a checkbook,” Dana declares. “She may have American Express, ’cause I want champagne.”

Tana laughs with her husband before explaining how the situation would go down if she had it her way.

“I’ll pay for the drinks while we’re waiting for the table on our first date if I invited you out, but I’m not paying for the meal,” she says.

After more debating and arguing over the timeline of a relationship, Dana and Tana once again see that there is a general consensus that men pay for the first date, but the rest is not so clear.

They even ask a group of three teenage girls who should pay for dates and they all say the men.

Or the man can cook for the woman. Ask Dana how that went.

Watch the first episode of Dana Says/Tana Says here and the second episode below.