Dana Dane & Tana Tane Address Social Media Overkill

How much social media is too much social media? Dana Dane and wife Tana discuss what is an appropriate amount of time a person should spend using social media on this episode of Dana Says, Tana Says.

Dana says that if he wasn’t who he was he wouldn’t even bother with Twitter, Instagram or any of the many other popular social media apps.

Tana meanwhile, openly admits to beingĀ a social media addict and refers to her phone as her best friend.

“That is my way of connecting with the world outside of what I see on the news and I also feel social media is more trustful than the news because there is no filter,” Tana explains. “There’s no big organization telling them what they can and cannot say or show. It’s real.”

Its one of the first things she does in the morning, directly after meditating.

“This plays into the cake illusion. If you ever seen the episode on ‘Cake Illusions,’ I could get more cake if there was less of this,” Dana says as he pretends to scroll down the screen of a cell phone.

Witness Dana and Tana’s back and forth about social media overkill below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbRBT_kELwo]